Roadside Station Echizen Takefu:
Mouthwatering crab right next to
Echizen Takefu Station
on the Hokuriku Shinkansen

About Roadside Station Echizen-Takefu

A roadside station where people, food, and culture come together to become a local landmark.

Roadside Station Echizen-Takefu is a facility adjacent to the new Echizen-Takefu Station on the Hokuriku Shinkansen Line. Many people think of Fukui as a place where they can have delectable seafood, and this roadside station operated and managed by a local fresh seafood dealer is attracting a lot of attention. At the exchange plaza (within the premises of the roadside station), visitors can have a barbecue on the spot using the fresh seafood, meat, and vegetables purchased at the roadside station. It is also available to use for in-vehicle overnight stays and camping.

Roadside Station Echizen-Takefu is a facility that aims to become a local landmark where people, food, and culture come together.

Facility Information / Access

Floor Guide



There are several restaurants that serve crab, fresh seafood, soba (buckwheat noodles), and other dishes representative of Echizen City! They have also prepared a lineup of Fukui Prefecture’s B-class cuisine dishes such as volga rice and sauce katsudon (pork cutlet rice bowl).

List of Restaurants


A variety of fresh seafood such as crab and tuna that have been well-received as hometown tax (furusato nozei) return gifts of Echizen City are available for purchase. Confectionery that uses Ichihomare rice produced in the prefecture and Benishikibu tomatoes cultivated in the city is also being planned and developed.



Tourist Information Around Echizen-Takefu

Tourist Information Around Echizen-Takefu

Enjoy Echizen-Takefu with the five senses

Echizen is home to traditional crafts such as Echizen Washi (Japanese paper), Echizen Uchihamono (forged knives), and Echizen Tansu (traditional chests), which are rooted in the local climate and have been passed down for generations by artisans. There are many workshops for these traditional crafts, where visitors can observe and experience first-hand the work of such artisans.

Echizen has been a relaxing town since ancient times.
We wish you a pleasant time at Echizen, a town that becomes more and more interesting the more you know about it.